Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

~ Aristotle


Here’s the latest news at the store!

December New Arrivals

Entering Hekate’s Garden, Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirt, by Cyndi Brannen, paperback priced at $24.95

Green Witch’s Oracle Deck, by popular author Arin Murphy-Hiscock, priced at $19.99

Mudras yoga in your Hands, A simple technique to achieve lasting health, happiness , and inner peace, by Gertrud Hirschi, paperback priced at $18.95 This methods uses hand mudras

Oriens Animal Tarot: by Ambi Sun, priced at $29.95, book and 78 card set is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts, and advanced readers.

Queen of the Night, Rediscovering the Celtic moon Goddess, by Sharynne MacLeod Nicmhacha, paperback priced at $24.95

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, The Hidden Teachings on Life & Death by Neil Douglas-Klotz, paperback priced at $19.95

November New Arrivals

All We Need is LOVE and a really soft pillow! by Peter & Henry Reynolds, hardback priced at $18.99, #1 New Your Times-Bestselling Creator of children’s books.

Dasher Can’t Wait for Christmas by Matt Tavares, hardback priced at $17.99, New York Times Best-selling author-illustrator of children’s books.

Tree Keepers Oracle by Argi Sullins, 44 card deck and book set, priced at $26.95. This really is a very beautiful deck. Artwork is by Stephanie Law


Awakening to the Spirit World, The Shamanic path to Direct Revelation by Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wesselman, paperback priced at $19.95

The Dream, Extraordinary Revelation of who we are and where we are, by popular author David Icke, paperback priced at $20.00

2024 Calendars have arrived. We’Moon spiral bound, and a number of llewellyne’s astrology calendars are in plus more of your favorites.

September New Arrivals

Light is the New Black, A Guide to Answering Your Soul’s Callings and Working your light, by Rebecca Campbell, paperback priced at $16.99

Sigrid Rides, The story of an extraordinary friendship, by Travis Nelson, hardback priced at $26.99 check out Travis & Sigrid on Facebook or just google them.

Walk through the Forest of Souls, A Tarot journey to Spiritual Awakening, by Rachel Pollock author of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, paperback priced at $24.95

August New Arrivals

Flower magic of the Druids, How to Craft Potions, & Enchantments by Jon G. Hughes, paperback priced at $22.99

Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment, A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path by Pierre Pradervand, paperback, priced at $16.999

Runes and Astrology, Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition, by Nigel Pennick, paperback priced at $22.99

Orgone Pyramids Sale

Michelle Hood creator of the LitetheLight orgone pyramids that we carry has asked that we put them on sale at 25% off the retail price. We just recently received two shipments and they are awesome.

The following is a link to an interview with Michelle. It is rather long but worth the read including ways to use them for healing.

Our Address

Inquire Within
516 Oak Street
Sandpoint, ID 83864
Phone: (208) 255-7903

Our Hours

Mon – Fri: 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Sat: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed Sun & holidays

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20jan1:00 pm4:00 pmEmotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code

27jan1:00 pm4:00 pmEmotion Code, Body Code & Belief Code

29jan4:36 am4:36 amNew Moon Lunar New Year (Snake)

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