Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Here’s the latest news at the store!
December New Arrivals
Entering Hekate’s Garden, Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirt, by Cyndi Brannen, paperback priced at $24.95
Green Witch’s Oracle Deck, by popular author Arin Murphy-Hiscock, priced at $19.99
Mudras yoga in your Hands, A simple technique to achieve lasting health, happiness , and inner peace, by Gertrud Hirschi, paperback priced at $18.95 This methods uses hand mudras
Oriens Animal Tarot: by Ambi Sun, priced at $29.95, book and 78 card set is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts, and advanced readers.
Queen of the Night, Rediscovering the Celtic moon Goddess, by Sharynne MacLeod Nicmhacha, paperback priced at $24.95
Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, The Hidden Teachings on Life & Death by Neil Douglas-Klotz, paperback priced at $19.95
November New Arrivals
All We Need is LOVE and a really soft pillow! by Peter & Henry Reynolds, hardback priced at $18.99, #1 New Your Times-Bestselling Creator of children’s books.
Dasher Can’t Wait for Christmas by Matt Tavares, hardback priced at $17.99, New York Times Best-selling author-illustrator of children’s books.
Tree Keepers Oracle by Argi Sullins, 44 card deck and book set, priced at $26.95. This really is a very beautiful deck. Artwork is by Stephanie Law
Awakening to the Spirit World, The Shamanic path to Direct Revelation by Sandra Ingerman & Hank Wesselman, paperback priced at $19.95
The Dream, Extraordinary Revelation of who we are and where we are, by popular author David Icke, paperback priced at $20.00
2024 Calendars have arrived. We’Moon spiral bound, and a number of llewellyne’s astrology calendars are in plus more of your favorites.
September New Arrivals
Light is the New Black, A Guide to Answering Your Soul’s Callings and Working your light, by Rebecca Campbell, paperback priced at $16.99
Sigrid Rides, The story of an extraordinary friendship, by Travis Nelson, hardback priced at $26.99 check out Travis & Sigrid on Facebook or just google them.
Walk through the Forest of Souls, A Tarot journey to Spiritual Awakening, by Rachel Pollock author of Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, paperback priced at $24.95
August New Arrivals
Flower magic of the Druids, How to Craft Potions, & Enchantments by Jon G. Hughes, paperback priced at $22.99
Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment, A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Path by Pierre Pradervand, paperback, priced at $16.999
Runes and Astrology, Symbol and Starcraft in the Northern Tradition, by Nigel Pennick, paperback priced at $22.99
Orgone Pyramids Sale
Michelle Hood creator of the LitetheLight orgone pyramids that we carry has asked that we put them on sale at 25% off the retail price. We just recently received two shipments and they are awesome.
The following is a link to an interview with Michelle. It is rather long but worth the read including ways to use them for healing.