Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
Here’s the latest news at the store!
December New Arrivals
Animal-Speak Pocket Guide, by Ted Andrews, paperback priced at $6.95
Be Love Now The path of the Heart, by Ram Dass, paperback priced at $16.99
Paths to God, Living the Bhagavad Gita, by Ram Dass, paperback priced at $17.17
Russian Gypsy Fortune Telling Cards, book and card set, by Svetlana Alexandrovna Touchkoff, priced at $37.50
Something New
We are excited about some of our new products that we now have in stock
Crystal Windchimes: Windchimes are made from agate and come in three different styles, hearts, crescent moon and stars, and cut slices of agate all in various colors. Prices range from $28.00 to $36.00.
Metal Windchimes from India, various styles prices range from $22.00 to $31.00.
Fairy Statues to sit in your garden or on a shelf in your home priced at $25.00
Stop in the next time you are in town. Christmas is coming and we do have some ideas for stocking stuffers and inexpensive meaningful gits.
November New Arrivals
Ancient Mystic Rites, by C. W. Leadbeater, paperback priced at $14.00
Brotherhood of Angels and Men, by Geoffrey Hodson, paperback priced at $10.95
Divine Blueprint, Temples, Power Places and Sacred Sites, by Freddy Silva, paperback priced at $24.95
First Templar Nation, How Eleven Knights Created a New Country and a Refuge for the Grail, by Freddy Silva, paperback priced at $19.95
Heart of the Qur’an, An Introduction to Islamic Spirituality, by Lex Hixon, paperback priced at $18.95
Lost Art of Resurrection, by Freddy Silva, paperback priced at $22.00
Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, and Ghosts, How to talk with Beings of the Other Realms, by Atala Dorothy Toy, paperback priced at $18.95
Secrets in the Fields, The Science and mysticism of Crop Circles, by Freddy Silva, paperback priced at $25.00
Spectrum of Consciousness, by Ken Wilber, paperback priced at $19.95
October New Arrivals
Edgar Cayce’s Story of Jesus, Edited by Jeffrey Furst, paperback priced by $9.99
Elemental Spirits, Building a Magical Practice in an Animistic World, by Jaq D. Hawkins, paperback priced at $26.95
Gnosticism, New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing, by Stephan A. Hoeller, paperback priced at $16.95
Initiation of the World, by Vera Stanley Alder, paperback priced at $21.95
Merlin, Master of Magick, by Gordon Strong, paperback priced at $21.95
The Reveal, The Next Stage of Human Awareness, by popular author David Icke, paperback priced at: $20.00
Shamanic Power Animals, Embracing the Teachings of our Non-Human Friends, by Don Jose Ruiz, paperback priced at $24.99
Holistic Fair
Come celebrate Autumn with us at our last Holistic Fair of 2024, on Saturday, September 21st, 10 am – 5 pm. Take this opportunity to start the fall with a reading or body work. All readings are $20.00 for 15 minutes. The practitioners are listed below in alphabetical order.
Tammy Bell: Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner offering Emotion Code and Body Code session. For more information visit her website:
Heidi Christy: offering a combination of vibrational and hands on healing to help bring body, mind and spirit back into balance.
Aron Fox: Hypnotherapist. While in a trance you are fully conscious and able to communicate with him. You will be able to view past life memory that influences you the most.
Barb Haven: Holy Fire Reiki Master. Barb connects with spirit to assist with clearing and cleaning energy that is blocked. To learn more about Barb visit her website:
Julie Ann Jones: Intuitive offering. Full spectrum Readings. her messages are brought fourth with Love. Some of her gifts include seeing auras, medical intuition, past lives, future endeavors, psychic medium and more.
Ernie Lopez: Has over 20 years experience offering Astrology, Numerology or tarot readings. He finds joy in sharing knowledge and insight with clients and supporting them on their personal journey.
Rasheno Najad: utilizing the Tarot or Oracle cards and Intuitive Tracking to bring forth clarity direction and spiritual guidance.
Madelaine Parker: Tarot readings with a twist. She is primarily a tarot reader that also uses astrology to help clarify the reading ,using astrology as the third confirming element. To learn more about Madelaine visit her website:
Nicole Poppino: Is a certified card reader with over 15 years experience specializing in a system based on playing cards and birthdays. Her reading are guided by intuitive insight offering practical and realistic suggestion, encouraging clients to take responsibility for their own lives
August New Arrivals
2025 Calendars have arrived except for the 2025 We’Moon it has been shipped and due to arrive this coming week.
Anger, Wisdom for Cooling the Flames, by Thich Nhat Hanh, paperback priced at $18.00
Casting Sacred Space, by Ivo Dominguez, Jr., paperback priced at $17.95
Custodians of Truth, by Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins, paperback priced at $26.95 Legend of the Holy Grail
Holy Grail, Sacred Masculine & Divine Feminine, by Mercedes Kirkel, paperback priced at $12.95
Light Work, Reclaim your Feminine Power, Live Your Cosmic Truth, and Illuminate the World. by Jessica Zweig, hardback priced at $30.00
Little Bit of Fairies, an Introduction to Fairy Magic, by Elaine Clayton, hardback priced at $9.99
Little Book on Big Freedom, Discover the Four Elements of Transformation, by popular author Heather Ash Amara, paperback priced at $16.95
Lost Teachings of Atlantis, by Jon Peniel, paperback priced at $21.95 (now back in stock)
Portals, Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experience Between Worlds, by Freddy Silva, paperback priced at $17.99
Protection Spells, Clear Negative Energy, Banish unhealthy Influences and Embrace Your Power, by poplar author Arin murphy-Hiscock
Reconciliation, Healing the Inner Child, by Thich Nhat Hanh, paperback priced at $15.95
Sacred Smoke, Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind and Spirit, by Amy Blackthorn, paperback priced at $16.95
Through the Rabbit Hole, Explore and Experience the Shamanic Journey and Energy Medicine, by Jan Engels-Smith, paperback priced at $19.95