Alchemical Search for the Unified Field, Pythagorean, Hermetic, and Shamanic Journeys into Invisible and Ethereal Realms, by R. E. Kretz, paperback priced at $24.99
Big Book of Tarot, How to interpret the cards and work with tarot spreads for personal growth, by Joan Bunning, paperback priced at $24.95
Cards You’re Dealt, A tarot Guidebook, how to deal when life gets real, by Teresa Reed, paperback priced at $18.95
Heal the Witch Wound, Reclaim your Magic & Step Into your Power, by Celeste Larson, paperback priced at $16.95
Lucid Dreaming, Plain and Simple, by Robert Waggoner & Caroline McCready paperback priced at $19.95
Maximize Your Healing power, Shamanic healing Techniques to Overcome Your Health Challenges, by Dr. Sharon E. Martin, paperback priced at $18.99
Opening to Grief, Finding your way from loss to peace, by by Claire Willis & Marnie Samuelson, paperback priced at $14.95
Soul Journey Through the Tarot, key to a Complete Spiritual practice, integrating Numerology, Astrology, Kabbalah, and Contemplative Life, by John Sandbach, paperback priced at $29.99
Taking Up the Runes, A complete guide to using Runes in Rituals, Divination and Magic, by Diana L. Paxson, paperback priced at $28.95