Answering the Call of the Elementals, Practices for Connecting with Nature Spirits by Thomas Mayer, paperback priced at $16.99

Archangel Fire Oracle by Alexandra Wenman 44 card deck and guidebook priced at $25.00

Gateway of Light Activation Oracle by Kyle Gray, 44 card deck and guidebook, priced at $19.99

Letters to a Starseed Messages and Activations for Remembering Who You Are and Why You Came Here, by Rebecca Campbell, paperback priced at $16.99

Messenger Oracle by Ravyanne Phelan, 55 card deck and guidebook, priced at $25.95 (revised edition)

Seasons of a Magical Life, Celebrations, Festivals and Ritual for the Wheel of the Year, by H. Byron Ballard, paperback priced at $18.95

Tree of Enchantment, Ancient Wisdom of the Faery Tradition, by Orion Foxwood paperback priced at $21.95

Tarot Vintage by Waite & Smith, priced at $26.9r this a tradition deck with a vintage look to the cards priced at $26.95

Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by Thich Nhat Hanh hardback priced at $27.99