Entering Hekate’s Garden, Magick, Medicine & Mystery of Plant Spirt, by Cyndi Brannen, paperback priced at $24.95

Green Witch’s Oracle Deck, by popular author Arin Murphy-Hiscock, priced at $19.99

Mudras yoga in your Hands, A simple technique to achieve lasting health, happiness , and inner peace, by Gertrud Hirschi, paperback priced at $18.95 This methods uses hand mudras

Oriens Animal Tarot: by Ambi Sun, priced at $29.95, book and 78 card set is suitable for beginners, enthusiasts, and advanced readers.

Queen of the Night, Rediscovering the Celtic moon Goddess, by Sharynne MacLeod Nicmhacha, paperback priced at $24.95

Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus, The Hidden Teachings on Life & Death by Neil Douglas-Klotz, paperback priced at $19.95